Thursday, 29 March 2007

This weeks photographer of interest

There are many exceptional photographers both now and in history. Each week, time allowed, I will post a link and some info on a photographer who's work I find particularly interesting.

Garry Fabian Miller I was first introduced to Garry's work by a good friend of mine who works at the Tate Modern. He gave me a copy of Tracing Light by David Mellor which shows a selection of Millers work and focuses on his Petworth House project, you can see some samples of these and other images here. Garry has also exhibited at Hamiltons Gallery, if you look in the artists section for Garry you will find 'Exposure' and 'Blue Gold'. Turner also painted scenes of Petworth House. I think you can already see the thread this personal section of my blog it taking. Miller's work has clearly been influenced by Turner, evident in this image from his earlier series of works 'The Sea Horizon' created in the late 1970's. There is plenty of information on the web about Garry's work, if what you have seen here has sparked an interest, well, welcome to the club!

1 comment:

Mark said...


I just chanced upon your blog and find it quite interesting.

would be nice if you can also few techniques for pics which are quite different from the noraml one. just a thought.